"Primal Repression: The Nature of Abjection and the Dualistic Self in The Monk.” The Learning Tree. CSU, Stanislaus, CA. January 1998.
“Medusa: The Shadow in the Glass.” American Comparative Literature Association, Washington D.C., March 2019.
“Nan Goldin and A New Vision of Medusa.” College English Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2019.
“The Black Leather Motorcycle Queen and the Passion of Madness: Women in Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.” 5th Global Madness Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford University, September 2012.
“William Blake and The Road to Hell: Demystifying the Cultural Iconoclasm of the Hells Angels.” 5th Global Madness Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford University, September 2011.
“Sexual Threat and Danger of the Victorian Femme Fatale.” Pacific Coast Conference in British Studies, April 2002.
“Demystifying Imperialism: Mapping the Feminine Body in Daniel Defoe’s Roxana.” West Coast Eighteenth Century British Studies Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 2000, Michigan Annual Literary Conference, Michigan University, Flint, March 2000, Figuring the Body Conference, University of Southern California, March 2000, Michigan State University Women’s Studies Conference, March 2000.
"Primal Repression: The Nature of Abjection and Dualistic Self in The Monk." Constructions of the Human: Identity, Technology, and Culture Conference, CSU, Stanislaus, CA October, 1997, TERRAINS: Landscape / Bodyscapes, SUNYStony Brook, March 1998, Central New York Conference on Language and Literature, Cortland College of the State University of New York, October 1998.
"Reviewing Peer Review: Training Writers to be Critical Readers," Conference: Composition Forum, CSU, Sacramento, CA, April 1997.
"Play Principle and Game Attitude in The Adventures of Alice of Wonderland," NYU Victorian Studies Conference: Play in Earnest, New York University, NY, February 1997.
Author Bio
Jennifer Hedgecock
Jennifer Hedgecock is an author and scholar who explores the resilience, struggles, and evolving roles of women in literature. She is the author of Moss Covered Rocks, a collection of short stories, and The Femme Fatale in Victorian Literature, a critical study on gender and power in 19th-century fiction. Through both storytelling and research, she challenges traditional portrayals of women, offering fresh perspectives on their place in history and literature.